Mapei Mapecem 202 Fast-Setting Mortar (Part B) - 2.7L
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Silica-Free, Two-Component, Fast-Setting Mortar Mapecem 202 SF is a two-component, shrinkage-compensated, polymer-modified, fast-setting cementitious mortar containing corrosion inhibitors. Mapecem 202 SF utilizes a unique aggregate, rendering it more than 99% free of crystalline silica, all while retaining the strengths and excellent working characteristics of Mapecem 202. In comparison with typical silica-based mortars, Mapecem 202 SF generates less dust. Mapecem 202 SF is intended for the restoration and resurfacing of interior/exterior horizontal concrete surfaces. It is excellent for heavy-duty industrial applications – manufacturing floors, loading docks and tipping floors for smelting metals – which require fast drying in order to allow traffic within 3 to 4 hours. Mapecem 202 SF applies easily onto horizontal surfaces in thicknesses of 1/4" to 2" (6 mm to 5 cm) maximum per placement when mixed neat. For filling deeper spaces (up to 8" [20 cm]), add up to 20% by weight of 1/4" to 3/8" (6 to 10 mm) washed, nonreactive, SSD (saturated surface-dry) aggregate to Mapecem 202 SF.